School holidays can be the cause of a parents stress factors going through the roof so here are 5 ideas to bring those stress factors into the fun zone.
1. Going on a visit to Grandma and Grandpas, for a day or a week, it’s fun for everyone.

2. Get out into nature – hike up a hill, stay overnight in a hut, cook on a fire.
It is always good to broaden the horizons of small people.

3. Have a grandparent (Oma) come to visit and give her a tour of your children’s favourite places, with the children of course.

4. Play in the snow or the sand, depending on the weather.

5. Make something ordinary extraordinary eg. help your child make the transition from trike to bike.

A bit of forward planning can relieve the stress and create school holidays that become enduring memories.
Go on we know you can do it.
Happy Holidays!